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Macintosh Web Server Issues

We are a small company running a primarily Macintosh network, and are
preparing to host a Web site using WebStar on a Macintosh machine connected
to our Internet provider via a router. I have poked around the Web and the
local technical bookstore looking for security-related information, but 99%
of what I have seen seems to relate very specifically to UNIX-based
systems. Thus, despite my initial research, I am still pretty much in the
dark as to what threats I need to concern myself with and how to
deter/prevent these threats. Our biggest fear is loss or disclosure of data
on our network.

Does anyone know where I can find Macintosh-specific security information?
(Or perhaps the information I have been reading applies to any platform,
and I have just misunderstood it?) I need to be able to answer such
questions as the following: What are the vulnerabilities of our current
setup, and how can I minimize our exposure without unduly limiting public
access to our web site or internal access to the Internet? Do we need a
firewall? If so, what are the firewall alternatives available for the Mac?
Does running our own mail server (AIMS) increase our vulnerability? What if
we would like to add an FTP server, or other types of Internet servers?

Basically, I want to get to the point where I have accomplished "due
diligence" and can feel relatively comfortable with our security
arrangements (although naturally security will be an on-going concern).

Any help or pointers on this would be greatly appreciated!


Karl Mitze
3RD Millennium, Inc.
